from lib.sqlitedb import SQLiteDB import sqlite3 # sqlite3.Row-Object from typing import List # Typing support! class ListUsers: """ List tilde users """ db = None users_fetch = None def __init__(self, db: str, unapproved: bool = False, approved: bool = True, single_user: str = None): """Constructs list_users :param db: Database to access :type db: str :param unapproved: only List unapproved users :type unapproved: bool :param approved: only list approved users :type approved: bool """ self.db = SQLiteDB(db) if unapproved: # only unapproved users query = "SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `status` = '0'" elif approved: # Approved users query = "SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `status` = '1'" else: # All users query = "SELECT * FROM `applications`" self.users_fetch = self.db.query(query) if single_user is not None: query = "SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `username` = ?" self.users_fetch = self.db.safequery(query, tuple([single_user])) def output_as_list(self) -> str: """Generates a string with one (approved) single_user per line and one newline at the end :rtype: str :return: String consisting with one(activated) single_user per line """ list_str: str = "" query = "SELECT `username` FROM `applications` WHERE `status` = '1' ORDER BY timestamp ASC" self.users_fetch = self.db.query(query) for user in self.users_fetch: list_str += user["username"] + "\n" return list_str def pretty_print(self) -> None: """ pretty-print users :return: None """ pass # see below why not implemented yet, texttable... def get_fetch(self) -> List[sqlite3.Row]: """ Returns a complete users done by the lib.sqlitedb-class :return: Complete fetchall(). A List[sqlite3.Row] with dict-emulation objects. :rtype: List[sqlite3.Row] """ return self.users_fetch