import csv import pwd import re import lib.sqlitedb def checkUsernameCharacters(username: str) -> bool: """ Checks the Username for invalid characters. Allow only alphanumerical characters, a lower alpha one first, Followed by any sequence of digits and characters :param username: String to check for validity :type username: str :return: True when valid, False when not :rtype: bool """ if " " not in username and "_" not in username and username.isascii() and username[:1].islower() and \ not username[0].isnumeric(): if not"\W+", username): if not"[^a-zA-Z0-9]", username): return True return False def checkUsernameLength(username: str, upper_limit: int = 16, lower_limit: int = 3) -> bool: """ Checks username for an upper and lower bounds limit character count :param username: Username to check :type username: str :param upper_limit: Upper limit bounds to check for(default is 16) :type upper_limit: int :param lower_limit: Lower limit bounds to check for(default is 3) :return: True, when all bounds are in, False when one or both aren't. :rtype: bool """ if len(username) > upper_limit: return False if len(username) < lower_limit: return False return True def checkUserExists(username: str) -> bool: """ Checks if the User exists on the **SYSTEM** by calling PWD on it. **Note**: You might want to use this in conjunction with checkUserInDB :param username: :type username: str :return: True when exists, False when not :rtype: bool """ try: pwd.getpwnam(username) except KeyError: return False return True # User already exists def checkUserInDB(username: str, db: str) -> bool: """ Checks users existence in the **DATABASE**. :Note: You might want to use this in conjunction with `checkUserExists` :param username: Username to check existence in database :type username: str :param db: Path to database to check in :type db: str :return: True, when User exists, False when not """ try: ldb = lib.sqlitedb.SQLiteDB(db) fetched = ldb.safe_query("SELECT * FROM 'applications' WHERE username = ?", tuple([username])) if fetched: return True except lib.sqlitedb.sqlite3.Error as e: print(f"SQLite Exception: {e}") return False def checkSSHKey(key: str) -> bool: """ Checks SSH Key for meta-data that we accept. :Note: We currently only allow ssh keys without options but with a mail address at the end in b64 encoded. The currently supported algorithms are: ecdfsa-sha2-nistp256, 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521', 'ssh-rsa', 'ssh-dss' and 'ssh-ed25519' :param key: Key to check :return: True, when Key is valid, False when not :rtype: bool """ # taken from, all belongs to them! ;) import base64 if len(key) > 8192 or len(key) < 80: return False key = key.replace("\"", "").replace("'", "").replace("\\\"", "") key = key.split(' ') types = ['ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521', 'ssh-rsa', 'ssh-dss', 'ssh-ed25519'] if key[0] not in types: return False try: base64.decodebytes(bytes(key[1], "utf-8")) except TypeError: return False return True def checkEmail(mail: str) -> bool: """ Checks Mail against a relatively simple REgex Pattern. :param mail: Mail to check :type mail: str :return: False, when the Mail is invalid, True when valid. :rtype: bool """ if not re.match("(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$)", mail): return False else: return True def checkDatetimeFormat(datetime_str: str) -> bool: """ Checks a Strings format on date time. :param datetime_str: String to check :type datetime_str: str :return: True when valid, False when not. :rtype: bool """ import datetime try: datetime.datetime.strptime(datetime_str, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") except ValueError: return False return True def checkName(name: str) -> bool: """ Checks a users (real) Name against a real simple REgex Pattern. :param name: Name/String to check :type name: str :return: True when valid, False when not. :rtype: bool """ if not re.match("\w+\s*\w", name): return False else: return True def checkImportFile(path: str, db: str, test_existence: bool = True): """ Checks an CSV file against most of the validators and prints an Error message with the line number corresponding to said failure.. Those includes: checkName, checkUsernameCharacters, ckeckUsernameLength, duplicate usernames(in the CSV), checkSSHKey, checkEmail, checkUserExists, checkUserInDB, checkDatetimeformat and if the status is 1 or 0. :param path: Path to file to check :type path: str :param db: Path to database file(SQLite) :type db: str :param test_existence: Flag, checking users existence while true, won't when set to false. Default's to true. :type test_existence: bool :return: Str when Failure, True when success(All tests passed) :rtype: Str or None """ err_str = "" valid = True line = 1 # line number valid_names_list = [] with open(path, 'r', newline='') as file_handle: reader = csv.DictReader(file_handle) for row in reader: # if any of this fails move on to the next user, just print a relatively helpful message lel if not lib.Validator.checkName(row["name"]): err_str += f"Line {line}: Name: '{row['name']}' seems not legit. " \ f"Character followed by character should be correct.\n" valid = False if not lib.Validator.checkUsernameCharacters(row["username"]): err_str += (f"Line {line}: " f"Username contains unsupported characters or starts with a number: '" f"{row['username']}'.\n") valid = False if not lib.Validator.checkUsernameLength(row["username"]): err_str += f"Line {line}: " \ f"Username '{row['username']}' is either too long(>16) or short(<3)\n" valid = False # dup checking if row["username"] in valid_names_list: err_str += f"Line {line}: Duplicate Username {row['username']}!\n" valid = False else: valid_names_list.append(row["username"]) # dup end if not lib.Validator.checkSSHKey(row["pubkey"]): err_str += f"Line {line}: " \ f"Following SSH-Key of user '{row['username']}' isn't valid: " \ f"'{row['pubkey']}'.\n" valid = False if not lib.Validator.checkEmail(row["email"]): err_str += \ f"Line {line}: " \ f"E-Mail address of user '{row['username']}' '{row['email']}' is not valid.\n" valid = False if lib.Validator.checkUserExists(row["username"]) or checkUserInDB(row["username"], db): if test_existence: err_str += f"Line {line}: User '{row['username']}' already exists.\n" valid = False else: pass if not lib.Validator.checkDatetimeFormat(row["timestamp"]): err_str += f"Line {line}: Timestamp '{row['timestamp']}' " \ f"from user '{row['username']}' is invalid.\n" valid = False if int(row["status"]) > 1 or int(row["status"]) < 0: err_str += f"Line {line}: Status '{row['status']}' MUST be either 0 or 1.\n" valid = False line += 1 if valid: err_str = True return err_str