#jinja2: lstrip_blocks:"True",trim_blocks:"True"
Address = {{hostvars[inventory_hostname].wireguard_address}}
PrivateKey = {{private_key}}
ListenPort = {{wireguard_port}}
{% if hostvars[inventory_hostname].wireguard_dns is defined %}
DNS = {{hostvars[inventory_hostname].wireguard_dns}}
{% endif %}
{% if hostvars[inventory_hostname].wireguard_postup is defined %}
PostUp = {{hostvars[inventory_hostname].wireguard_postup}}
{% endif %}
{% if hostvars[inventory_hostname].wireguard_postdown is defined %}
PostDown = {{hostvars[inventory_hostname].wireguard_postdown}}
{% endif %}
{% if hostvars[inventory_hostname].wireguard_save_config is defined %}
SaveConfig = true
{% endif %}
{% for host in ansible_play_hosts %}
{% if host != inventory_hostname %}
PublicKey = {{hostvars[host].public_key}}
{% if hostvars[host].wireguard_allowed_ips is defined %}
AllowedIPs = {{hostvars[host].wireguard_allowed_ips}}
{% else %}
AllowedIPs = {{hostvars[host].wireguard_ip}}/32
{% endif %}
{% if hostvars[host].wireguard_persistent_keepalive is defined %}
PersistentKeepalive = {{hostvars[host].wireguard_persistent_keepalive}}
{% endif %}
{% if hostvars[host].wireguard_port is defined and hostvars[host].wireguard_port is number %}
{% if hostvars[host].wireguard_endpoint is defined and hostvars[host].wireguard_endpoint != "" %}
Endpoint = {{hostvars[host].wireguard_endpoint}}:{{hostvars[host].wireguard_port}}
{% else %}
Endpoint = {{host}}:{{hostvars[host].wireguard_port}}
{% endif %}
{% elif hostvars[host].wireguard_endpoint is defined and hostvars[host].wireguard_endpoint != "" %}
Endpoint = {{hostvars[host].wireguard_endpoint}}:{{wireguard_port}}
{% elif hostvars[host].wireguard_endpoint == "" %}
# No endpoint defined
{% else %}
Endpoint = {{host}}:{{wireguard_port}}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}