@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ require "./invidious/helpers/*"
require "./invidious/*"
CONFIG = Config.from_yaml(File.read("config/config.yml"))
HMAC_KEY = CONFIG.hmac_key || Random::Secure.random_bytes(32)
HMAC_KEY = CONFIG.hmac_key || Random::Secure.hex(32)
config = CONFIG
logger = Invidious::LogHandler.new
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ PG_DB = DB.open PG_URL
YT_URL = URI.parse("https://www.youtube.com")
REDDIT_URL = URI.parse("https://www.reddit.com")
LOGIN_URL = URI.parse("https://accounts.google.com")
PUBSUB_URL = URI.parse("https://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com")
TEXTCAPTCHA_URL = URI.parse("http://textcaptcha.com/omarroth@hotmail.com.json")
CURRENT_COMMIT = `git rev-list HEAD --max-count=1 --abbrev-commit`.strip
CURRENT_VERSION = `git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)`.strip
@ -115,6 +116,8 @@ refresh_channels(PG_DB, logger, config.channel_threads, config.full_refresh)
refresh_feeds(PG_DB, logger, config.feed_threads)
subscribe_to_feeds(PG_DB, logger, HMAC_KEY, config)
config.video_threads.times do |i|
spawn do
refresh_videos(PG_DB, logger)
@ -2314,6 +2317,58 @@ get "/feed/playlist/:plid" do |env|
# Add support for subscribing to channels via PubSubHubbub
get "/feed/webhook" do |env|
mode = env.params.query["hub.mode"]
topic = env.params.query["hub.topic"]
challenge = env.params.query["hub.challenge"]
lease_seconds = env.params.query["hub.lease_seconds"]
verify_token = env.params.query["hub.verify_token"]
time, signature = verify_token.split(":")
if Time.now.to_unix - time.to_i > 600
halt env, status_code: 400
if OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(:sha1, HMAC_KEY, time) != signature
halt env, status_code: 400
ucid = HTTP::Params.parse(URI.parse(topic).query.not_nil!)["channel_id"]
PG_DB.exec("UPDATE channels SET subscribed = true WHERE ucid = $1", ucid)
halt env, status_code: 200, response: challenge
post "/feed/webhook" do |env|
body = env.request.body.not_nil!.gets_to_end
signature = env.request.headers["X-Hub-Signature"].lchop("sha1=")
if signature != OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(:sha1, HMAC_KEY, body)
halt env, status_code: 200
rss = XML.parse_html(body)
rss.xpath_nodes("//feed/entry").each do |entry|
id = entry.xpath_node("videoid").not_nil!.content
video = get_video(id, PG_DB, proxies)
video = ChannelVideo.new(id, video.title, video.published, Time.now, video.ucid, video.author, video.length_seconds)
PG_DB.exec("UPDATE users SET notifications = notifications || $1 \
WHERE updated < $2 AND $3 = ANY(subscriptions) AND $1 <> ALL(notifications)", video.id, video.published, video.ucid)
video_array = video.to_a
args = arg_array(video_array)
PG_DB.exec("INSERT INTO channel_videos VALUES (#{args}) \
ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET title = $2, published = $3, \
updated = $4, ucid = $5, author = $6, length_seconds = $7", video_array)
# Channels
# YouTube appears to let users set a "brand" URL that