@ -2427,18 +2427,39 @@ get "/subscription_manager" do |env|
subscriptions = PG_DB . query_all ( " SELECT * FROM channels WHERE id = ANY( #{ values } ) " , as : InvidiousChannel )
subscriptions . sort_by! { | channel | channel . author . downcase }
if action_takeout
if format == " json "
env . response . content_type = " application/json "
env . response . headers [ " content-disposition " ] = " attachment "
next {
" subscriptions " = > user . subscriptions ,
" watch_history " = > user . watched ,
" preferences " = > user . preferences ,
} . to_json
playlists = PG_DB . query_all ( " SELECT * FROM playlists WHERE author = $1 AND id LIKE 'IV%' ORDER BY created " , user . email , as : InvidiousPlaylist )
next JSON . build do | json |
json . object do
json . field " subscriptions " , user . subscriptions
json . field " watch_history " , user . watched
json . field " preferences " , user . preferences
json . field " playlists " do
json . array do
playlists . each do | playlist |
json . object do
json . field " title " , playlist . title
json . field " description " , html_to_content ( playlist . description_html )
json . field " privacy " , playlist . privacy . to_s
json . field " videos " do
json . array do
get_playlist_videos ( PG_DB , playlist , offset : 0 , locale : locale , continuation : nil ) . each_with_index do | video , index |
json . string video . id
env . response . content_type = " application/xml "
env . response . headers [ " content-disposition " ] = " attachment "
@ -2498,41 +2519,11 @@ post "/data_control" do |env|
if user
user = user . as ( User )
spawn do
# Since import can take a while, if we're not done after 20 seconds
# push out content to prevent timeout.
# Interesting to note is that Chrome will try to render before the content has finished loading,
# which is why we include a loading icon. Firefox and its derivatives will not see this page,
# instead redirecting immediately once the connection has closed.
# https://stackoverflow.com/q/2091239 is helpful but not directly applicable here.
sleep 20 . seconds
env . response . puts %( <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url= #{ referer } "> )
env . response . puts %( <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/ionicons.min.css?v= #{ ASSET_COMMIT } "> )
env . response . puts %( <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/default.css?v= #{ ASSET_COMMIT } "> )
if env . get ( " preferences " ) . as ( Preferences ) . dark_mode == " dark "
env . response . puts %( <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/darktheme.css?v= #{ ASSET_COMMIT } "> )
env . response . puts %( <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/lighttheme.css?v= #{ ASSET_COMMIT } "> )
env . response . puts %( <h3><div class="loading"><i class="icon ion-ios-refresh"></i></div></h3> )
env . response . flush
loop do
env . response . puts %( <!-- keepalive #{ Time . utc . to_unix } --> )
env . response . flush
sleep ( 20 + rand ( 11 ) ) . seconds
# TODO: Find better way to prevent timeout
HTTP :: FormData . parse ( env . request ) do | part |
body = part . body . gets_to_end
if body . empty?
next if body . empty?
# TODO: Unify into single import based on content-type
case part . name
@ -2558,6 +2549,50 @@ post "/data_control" do |env|
user . preferences = Preferences . from_json ( body [ " preferences " ] . to_json , user . preferences )
PG_DB . exec ( " UPDATE users SET preferences = $1 WHERE email = $2 " , user . preferences . to_json , user . email )
if playlists = body [ " playlists " ]? . try & . as_a?
playlists . each do | item |
title = item [ " title " ]? . try & . as_s? . try & . delete ( " <> " )
description = item [ " description " ]? . try & . as_s? . try & . delete ( " \ r " )
privacy = item [ " privacy " ]? . try & . as_s? . try { | privacy | PlaylistPrivacy . parse? privacy }
next if ! title
next if ! description
next if ! privacy
playlist = create_playlist ( PG_DB , title , privacy , user )
PG_DB . exec ( " UPDATE playlists SET description = $1 WHERE id = $2 " , description , playlist . id )
videos = item [ " videos " ]? . try & . as_a? . try & . each do | video_id |
video_id = video_id . try & . as_s?
next if ! video_id
video = get_video ( video_id , PG_DB )
rescue ex
playlist_video = PlaylistVideo . new (
title : video . title ,
id : video . id ,
author : video . author ,
ucid : video . ucid ,
length_seconds : video . length_seconds ,
published : video . published ,
plid : playlist . id ,
live_now : video . live_now ,
index : Random :: Secure . rand ( 0 _i64 .. Int64 :: MAX )
video_array = playlist_video . to_a
args = arg_array ( video_array )
PG_DB . exec ( " INSERT INTO playlist_videos VALUES ( #{ args } ) " , args : video_array )
PG_DB . exec ( " UPDATE playlists SET index = array_append(index, $1), video_count = cardinality(index), updated = $2 WHERE id = $3 " , playlist_video . index , Time . utc , playlist . id )
when " import_youtube "
subscriptions = XML . parse ( body )
user . subscriptions += subscriptions . xpath_nodes ( % q ( / / outline [ @type = " rss " ] ) ) . map do | channel |