@ -97,15 +97,9 @@ struct Config
channel_threads: Int32, # Number of threads to use for crawling videos from channels (for updating subscriptions)
feed_threads: Int32, # Number of threads to use for updating feeds
db: NamedTuple( # Database configuration
user: String,
password: String,
host: String,
port: Int32,
dbname: String,
channel_threads: Int32, # Number of threads to use for crawling videos from channels (for updating subscriptions)
feed_threads: Int32, # Number of threads to use for updating feeds
db: DBConfig, # Database configuration
full_refresh: Bool, # Used for crawling channels: threads should check all videos uploaded by a channel
https_only: Bool?, # Used to tell Invidious it is behind a proxy, so links to resources should be https://
hmac_key: String?, # HMAC signing key for CSRF tokens and verifying pubsub subscriptions
@ -132,6 +126,16 @@ user: String,
struct DBConfig
user: String,
password: String,
host: String,
port: Int32,
dbname: String,
def rank_videos(db, n)
top = [] of {Float64, String}