@ -1769,20 +1769,25 @@ post "/preferences" do |env|
unseen_only ||= "off"
unseen_only = unseen_only == "on"
notifications_only = env.params.body["notifications_only"]?.try &.as(String)
notifications_only ||= "off"
notifications_only = notifications_only == "on"
preferences = {
"video_loop" => video_loop,
"autoplay" => autoplay,
"speed" => speed,
"quality" => quality,
"volume" => volume,
"comments" => comments,
"redirect_feed" => redirect_feed,
"dark_mode" => dark_mode,
"thin_mode" => thin_mode,
"max_results" => max_results,
"sort" => sort,
"latest_only" => latest_only,
"unseen_only" => unseen_only,
"video_loop" => video_loop,
"autoplay" => autoplay,
"speed" => speed,
"quality" => quality,
"volume" => volume,
"comments" => comments,
"redirect_feed" => redirect_feed,
"dark_mode" => dark_mode,
"thin_mode" => thin_mode,
"max_results" => max_results,
"sort" => sort,
"latest_only" => latest_only,
"unseen_only" => unseen_only,
"notifications_only" => notifications_only,
PG_DB.exec("UPDATE users SET preferences = $1 WHERE email = $2", preferences, user.email)
@ -1823,61 +1828,84 @@ get "/feed/subscriptions" do |env|
offset = (page - 1) * max_results
if preferences.latest_only
if preferences.unseen_only
ucids = arg_array(user.subscriptions)
if user.watched.empty?
watched = "'{}'"
watched = arg_array(user.watched, user.subscriptions.size + 1)
notifications = PG_DB.query_one("SELECT notifications FROM users WHERE email = $1", user.email,
as: Array(String))
if preferences.notifications_only && !notifications.empty?
args = arg_array(notifications)
videos = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT DISTINCT ON (ucid) * FROM channel_videos WHERE \
ucid IN (#{ucids}) AND id NOT IN (#{watched}) ORDER BY ucid, published DESC",
user.subscriptions + user.watched, as: ChannelVideo)
args = arg_array(user.subscriptions)
videos = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT DISTINCT ON (ucid) * FROM channel_videos WHERE \
ucid IN (#{args}) ORDER BY ucid, published DESC", user.subscriptions, as: ChannelVideo)
videos = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT * FROM channel_videos WHERE id IN (#{args})
ORDER BY published DESC", notifications, as: ChannelVideo)
notifications = [] of ChannelVideo
videos.sort_by! { |video| video.published }.reverse!
case preferences.sort
when "alphabetically"
videos.sort_by! { |video| video.title }
when "alphabetically - reverse"
videos.sort_by! { |video| video.title }.reverse!
when "channel name"
videos.sort_by! { |video| video.author }
when "channel name - reverse"
videos.sort_by! { |video| video.author }.reverse!
if preferences.unseen_only
ucids = arg_array(user.subscriptions, 3)
if user.watched.empty?
watched = "'{}'"
if preferences.latest_only
if preferences.unseen_only
ucids = arg_array(user.subscriptions)
if user.watched.empty?
watched = "'{}'"
watched = arg_array(user.watched, user.subscriptions.size + 1)
videos = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT DISTINCT ON (ucid) * FROM channel_videos WHERE \
ucid IN (#{ucids}) AND id NOT IN (#{watched}) ORDER BY ucid, published DESC",
user.subscriptions + user.watched, as: ChannelVideo)
watched = arg_array(user.watched, user.subscriptions.size + 3)
args = arg_array(user.subscriptions)
videos = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT DISTINCT ON (ucid) * FROM channel_videos WHERE \
ucid IN (#{args}) ORDER BY ucid, published DESC", user.subscriptions, as: ChannelVideo)
videos = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT * FROM channel_videos WHERE ucid IN (#{ucids}) \
AND id NOT IN (#{watched}) ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2",
[limit, offset] + user.subscriptions + user.watched, as: ChannelVideo)
videos.sort_by! { |video| video.published }.reverse!
args = arg_array(user.subscriptions, 3)
videos = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT * FROM channel_videos WHERE ucid IN (#{args}) \
if preferences.unseen_only
ucids = arg_array(user.subscriptions, 3)
if user.watched.empty?
watched = "'{}'"
watched = arg_array(user.watched, user.subscriptions.size + 3)
videos = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT * FROM channel_videos WHERE ucid IN (#{ucids}) \
AND id NOT IN (#{watched}) ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2",
[limit, offset] + user.subscriptions + user.watched, as: ChannelVideo)
args = arg_array(user.subscriptions, 3)
videos = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT * FROM channel_videos WHERE ucid IN (#{args}) \
ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2", [limit, offset] + user.subscriptions, as: ChannelVideo)
case preferences.sort
when "alphabetically"
videos.sort_by! { |video| video.title }
when "alphabetically - reverse"
videos.sort_by! { |video| video.title }.reverse!
when "channel name"
videos.sort_by! { |video| video.author }
when "channel name - reverse"
videos.sort_by! { |video| video.author }.reverse!
case preferences.sort
when "alphabetically"
videos.sort_by! { |video| video.title }
when "alphabetically - reverse"
videos.sort_by! { |video| video.title }.reverse!
when "channel name"
videos.sort_by! { |video| video.author }
when "channel name - reverse"
videos.sort_by! { |video| video.author }.reverse!
# TODO: Add option to disable picking out notifications from regular feed
notifications = PG_DB.query_one("SELECT notifications FROM users WHERE email = $1", user.email,
as: Array(String))
# TODO: Add option to disable picking out notifications from regular feed
notifications = PG_DB.query_one("SELECT notifications FROM users WHERE email = $1", user.email,
as: Array(String))
notifications = videos.select { |v| notifications.includes? v.id }
videos = videos - notifications
notifications = videos.select { |v| notifications.includes? v.id }
videos = videos - notifications
if !limit
videos = videos[0..max_results]