@ -205,7 +205,6 @@ private class CategoryParser < ItemParser
def parse(item_contents, author_fallback)
# Title extraction is a bit complicated. There are two possible routes for it
# as well as times when the title attribute just isn't sent by YT.
title_container = item_contents["title"]? || ""
if !title_container.is_a? String
if title = title_container["simpleText"]?
@ -217,37 +216,7 @@ private class CategoryParser < ItemParser
title = ""
auxiliary_data = {} of String => String
browse_endpoint = item_contents["endpoint"]?.try &.["browseEndpoint"] || nil
browse_endpoint_data = ""
category_type = 0 # 0: Video, 1: Channels, 2: Playlist/feed, 3: trending
# There's no endpoint data for video and trending category
if !item_contents["endpoint"]?
if !item_contents["videoId"]?
category_type = 3
if !browse_endpoint.nil?
# Playlist/feed categories doesn't need the params value (nor is it even included in yt response)
# instead it uses the browseId parameter. So if there isn't a params value we can assume the
# category is a playlist/feed
if browse_endpoint["params"]?
# However, even though the channel category type returns the browse endpoint param
# we're not going to be using it in order to preserve compatablity with Youtube.
# and for an URL that looks cleaner
url = item_contents["endpoint"]["commandMetadata"]["webCommandMetadata"]["url"]
url = URI.parse(url.as_s)
auxiliary_data["view"] = url.query_params["view"]
auxiliary_data["shelf_id"] = url.query_params["shelf_id"]
category_type = 1
browse_endpoint_data = browse_endpoint["browseId"].as_s
category_type = 2
url = item_contents["endpoint"]?.try &.["commandMetadata"]["webCommandMetadata"]["url"].as_s
# Sometimes a category can have badges.
badges = [] of Tuple(String, String) # (Badge style, label)
@ -279,11 +248,11 @@ private class CategoryParser < ItemParser
title: title,
contents: contents,
description_html: description_html,
browse_endpoint_data: browse_endpoint_data,
badges: badges,
title: title,
contents: contents,
description_html: description_html,
url: url,
badges: badges,