Improve styling for search filters
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 116 additions and 93 deletions
@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
#filters {
display: inline;
margin-top: 15px;
#filters > div {
display: inline-block;
#filters > summary {
display: block;
margin-bottom: 15px;
@ -22,6 +17,20 @@
font-size: 1.5em;
#filters .pure-menu-item {
margin-top: 10px;
#filters hr {
width: 80%;
margin: 10px 0 15px 0 !important
.filter-catagory {
display: inline-block;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.remove-filter {
margin-left: 6px;
vertical-align: middle;
@ -30,3 +39,9 @@
.dark-theme .remove-filter {
color: #CAC5BE
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
.no-theme .remove-filter {
color: #CAC5BE
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
<div class="pure-u-1-3"> <!-- Sort by -->
<div class="pure-menu pure-menu-horizontal" style="">
<ul class="pure-menu-list", style="float: right">
<ul class="pure-menu-list" style="float: right">
<% sort_options.each do |sort| %>
<% if sort_by == sort %>
<li class="pure-menu-item pure-menu-selected">
@ -22,98 +22,106 @@
<% filter_params = env.request.query_params.to_s.gsub(/q=.+?(?=&|$)/, "") %>
<% base_url = "/search?q=#{HTML.escape(query.not_nil!)}" %>
<div class="pure-u-1-3 pure-u-md-1-5" id="filter-date">
<b><%= translate(locale, "date") %></b>
<% ["hour", "today", "week", "month", "year"].each do |date| %>
<div class="pure-u-1 pure-md-1-5">
<% if operator_hash.fetch("date", "all") == date %>
<a style="color: inherit;" href="<%= base_url + "#{filter_params.gsub(/&date=[a-z]+/, "")}"%>">
<b><%= translate(locale, date) %></b>
<i class="remove-filter icon ion-md-close"></i>
<% else %>
<a href="<%= base_url + "#{filter_params.gsub(/&date=[a-z]+/, "")}&date=#{date}"%>">
<%= translate(locale, date) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="pure-u-1-3 pure-u-md-1-5 filter-catagory" id="filter-date">
<b><%= translate(locale, "date") %></b>
<ul class="pure-menu-list">
<% ["hour", "today", "week", "month", "year"].each do |date| %>
<li class="pure-menu-item">
<% if operator_hash.fetch("date", "all") == date %>
<a style="color: inherit;" href="<%= base_url + "#{filter_params.gsub(/&date=[a-z]+/, "")}"%>">
<b><%= translate(locale, date) %></b>
<i class="remove-filter icon ion-md-close"></i>
<% else %>
<a href="<%= base_url + "#{filter_params.gsub(/&date=[a-z]+/, "")}&date=#{date}"%>">
<%= translate(locale, date) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="pure-u-1-3 pure-u-md-1-5" id="filter-content_type">
<b><%= translate(locale, "content_type") %></b>
<% ["video", "channel", "playlist", "movie", "show"].each do |content_type| %>
<div class="pure-u-1 pure-md-1-5">
<% if operator_hash.fetch("content_type", "all") == content_type %>
<a style="color: inherit;" href="<%= base_url + "#{filter_params.gsub(/&content_type=[a-z]+/, "")}"%>">
<b><%= translate(locale, content_type) %></b>
<i class="remove-filter icon ion-md-close"></i>
<% else %>
<a href="<%= base_url + "#{filter_params.gsub(/&content_type=[a-z]+/, "")}&content_type=#{content_type}"%>">
<%= translate(locale, content_type) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="pure-u-1-3 pure-u-md-1-5 filter-catagory" id="filter-content_type">
<b><%= translate(locale, "content_type") %></b>
<ul class="pure-menu-list">
<% ["video", "channel", "playlist", "movie", "show"].each do |content_type| %>
<li class="pure-menu-item">
<% if operator_hash.fetch("content_type", "all") == content_type %>
<a style="color: inherit;" href="<%= base_url + "#{filter_params.gsub(/&content_type=[a-z]+/, "")}"%>">
<b><%= translate(locale, content_type) %></b>
<i class="remove-filter icon ion-md-close"></i>
<% else %>
<a href="<%= base_url + "#{filter_params.gsub(/&content_type=[a-z]+/, "")}&content_type=#{content_type}"%>">
<%= translate(locale, content_type) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="pure-u-1-3 pure-u-md-1-5" id="filter-duration">
<b><%= translate(locale, "duration") %></b>
<% ["short", "long"].each do |duration| %>
<div class="pure-u-1 pure-md-1-5">
<% if operator_hash.fetch("duration", "all") == duration %>
<a style="color: inherit;" href="<%= base_url + "#{filter_params.gsub(/&duration=[a-z]+/, "")}"%>">
<b><%= translate(locale, duration) %></b>
<i class="remove-filter icon ion-md-close"></i>
<% else %>
<a href="<%= base_url + "#{filter_params.gsub(/&duration=[a-z]+/, "")}&duration=#{duration}"%>">
<%= translate(locale, duration) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="pure-u-1-3 pure-u-md-1-5 filter-catagory" id="filter-duration">
<b><%= translate(locale, "duration") %></b>
<ul class="pure-menu-list">
<% ["short", "long"].each do |duration| %>
<li class="pure-menu-item">
<% if operator_hash.fetch("duration", "all") == duration %>
<a style="color: inherit;" href="<%= base_url + "#{filter_params.gsub(/&duration=[a-z]+/, "")}"%>">
<b><%= translate(locale, duration) %></b>
<i class="remove-filter icon ion-md-close"></i>
<% else %>
<a href="<%= base_url + "#{filter_params.gsub(/&duration=[a-z]+/, "")}&duration=#{duration}"%>">
<%= translate(locale, duration) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="pure-u-1-3 pure-u-md-1-5" id="filter-features">
<b><%= translate(locale, "features") %></b>
<% ["hd", "subtitles", "creative_commons", "3d", "live", "purchased", "4k", "360", "location", "hdr"].each do |feature| %>
<div class="pure-u-1 pure-md-1-5">
<% if operator_hash.fetch("features", "all").includes?(feature) %>
<% if operator_hash["features"].split(",").size == 1 %>
<a style="color: inherit;" href="<%= base_url + "#{filter_params.gsub(/&features=[a-z]+/, "")}"%>">
<b><%= translate(locale, feature) %></b>
<i class="remove-filter icon ion-md-close"></i>
<% else %>
<% data = filter_params.match(/.*features=.*(#{feature}(%2C|&|$)).*/).not_nil! %>
<% start = data.begin(1) %>
<% last = data.end(1) %>
<div class="pure-u-1-3 pure-u-md-1-5 filter-catagory" id="filter-features">
<b><%= translate(locale, "features") %></b>
<ul class="pure-menu-list">
<% ["hd", "subtitles", "creative_commons", "3d", "live", "purchased", "4k", "360", "location", "hdr"].each do |feature| %>
<li class="pure-menu-item">
<% if operator_hash.fetch("features", "all").includes?(feature) %>
<% if operator_hash["features"].split(",").size == 1 %>
<a style="color: inherit;" href="<%= base_url + "#{filter_params.gsub(/&features=[a-z]+/, "")}"%>">
<b><%= translate(locale, feature) %></b>
<i class="remove-filter icon ion-md-close"></i>
<% else %>
<% data = filter_params.match(/.*features=.*(#{feature}(%2C|&|$)).*/).not_nil! %>
<% start = data.begin(1) %>
<% last = data.end(1) %>
<a style="color: inherit;" href="<%= base_url + "#{filter_params[0...start] + filter_params[last..-1]}"%>">
<b><%= translate(locale, feature) %></b>
<i class="remove-filter icon ion-md-close"></i>
<% end %>
<% elsif operator_hash.has_key?("features") %>
<a href="<%= base_url + filter_params.gsub(/features=/, "features=#{feature},")%>">
<%= translate(locale, feature) %>
<% else %>
<a href="<%= "#{base_url}#{filter_params}&features=#{feature}"%>">
<%= translate(locale, feature) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<a style="color: inherit;" href="<%= base_url + "#{filter_params[0...start] + filter_params[last..-1]}"%>">
<b><%= translate(locale, feature) %></b>
<i class="remove-filter icon ion-md-close"></i>
<% end %>
<% elsif operator_hash.has_key?("features") %>
<a href="<%= base_url + filter_params.gsub(/features=/, "features=#{feature},")%>">
<%= translate(locale, feature) %>
<% else %>
<a href="<%= "#{base_url}#{filter_params}&features=#{feature}"%>">
<%= translate(locale, feature) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="pure-u-1-3 pure-u-md-1-5" id="filter-sort">
<div class="pure-u-1-3 pure-u-md-1-5 filter-catagory" id="filter-sort">
<b><%= translate(locale, "sort") %></b>
<% ["relevance", "rating", "date", "views"].each do |sort| %>
Add table
Reference in a new issue