# "Invidious" (which is what YouTube should be) # Copyright (C) 2018 Omar Roth # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . require "kemal" require "option_parser" require "pg" require "xml" require "yaml" require "./helpers" CONFIG = Config.from_yaml(File.read("config/config.yml")) pool_size = CONFIG.pool_size threads = CONFIG.threads redirect = CONFIG.redirect Kemal.config.extra_options do |parser| parser.banner = "Usage: invidious [arguments]" parser.on("-z SIZE", "--youtube-pool=SIZE", "Number of clients in youtube pool (default: #{pool_size})") do |number| begin pool_size = number.to_i rescue ex puts "SIZE must be integer" exit end end parser.on("-t THREADS", "--youtube-threads=THREADS", "Number of threads for crawling (default: #{threads})") do |number| begin threads = number.to_i rescue ex puts "THREADS must be integer" exit end end parser.on("-r REDIRECT", "--redirect=BOOL", "Whether insecure requests should be forced to HTTPS, requires -s (default #{redirect})") do |boolean| if boolean == "true" redirect = true elsif boolean == "false" redirect = false else puts "REDIRECT must be 'true' or 'false'" exit end end end Kemal::CLI.new PG_URL = URI.new( scheme: "postgres", user: CONFIG.db[:user], password: CONFIG.db[:password], host: CONFIG.db[:host], port: CONFIG.db[:port], path: CONFIG.db[:dbname], ) PG_DB = DB.open PG_URL YT_URL = URI.parse("https://www.youtube.com") REDDIT_URL = URI.parse("https://api.reddit.com") youtube_pool = Deque.new(pool_size) do make_client(YT_URL) end # Refresh youtube_pool by crawling YT threads.times do spawn do ids = Deque(String).new random = Random.new client = get_client(youtube_pool) search(random.base64(3), client) do |id| ids << id end youtube_pool << client loop do client = get_client(youtube_pool) if ids.empty? search(random.base64(3), client) do |id| ids << id end end begin id = ids[0] video = get_video(id, client, PG_DB) rescue ex STDOUT << id << " : " << ex.message << "\n" youtube_pool << make_client(YT_URL) next ensure ids.delete(id) end rvs = [] of Hash(String, String) if video.info.has_key?("rvs") video.info["rvs"].split(",").each do |rv| rvs << HTTP::Params.parse(rv).to_h end end rvs.each do |rv| if rv.has_key?("id") && !PG_DB.query_one?("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT true FROM videos WHERE id = $1)", rv["id"], as: Bool) ids.delete(id) ids << rv["id"] if ids.size == 150 ids.shift end end end youtube_pool << client end end end top_videos = [] of Video spawn do loop do top = rank_videos(PG_DB, 40) if top.size > 0 args = arg_array(top) else next end videos = [] of Video PG_DB.query("SELECT * FROM videos d INNER JOIN (VALUES #{args}) v(id) USING (id)", top) do |rs| rs.each do video = rs.read(Video) videos << video end end top_videos = videos Fiber.yield end end get "/" do |env| templated "index" end get "/watch" do |env| if env.params.query["v"]? id = env.params.query["v"] else env.redirect "/" next end listen = false if env.params.query["listen"]? && env.params.query["listen"] == "true" listen = true env.params.query.delete_all("listen") end yt_client = get_client(youtube_pool) begin video = get_video(id, yt_client, PG_DB) rescue ex error_message = ex.message next templated "error" ensure youtube_pool << yt_client end fmt_stream = [] of HTTP::Params video.info["url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"].split(",") do |string| if !string.empty? fmt_stream << HTTP::Params.parse(string) end end adaptive_fmts = [] of HTTP::Params if video.info.has_key?("adaptive_fmts") video.info["adaptive_fmts"].split(",") do |string| adaptive_fmts << HTTP::Params.parse(string) end end signature = false if adaptive_fmts[0]? && adaptive_fmts[0]["s"]? signature = true end if signature adaptive_fmts.each do |fmt| fmt["url"] += "&signature=" + decrypt_signature(fmt["s"]) end fmt_stream.each do |fmt| fmt["url"] += "&signature=" + decrypt_signature(fmt["s"]) end end fmt_stream = fmt_stream.uniq { |s| s["quality"] } video_streams = adaptive_fmts.compact_map { |s| s["type"].starts_with?("video") ? s : nil } video_streams = video_streams.uniq { |s| s["size"] } audio_streams = adaptive_fmts.compact_map { |s| s["type"].starts_with?("audio") ? s : nil } audio_streams.sort_by! { |s| s["bitrate"].to_i }.reverse! audio_streams.each do |fmt| fmt["bitrate"] = (fmt["bitrate"].to_f64/1000).to_i.to_s end rvs = [] of Hash(String, String) if video.info.has_key?("rvs") video.info["rvs"].split(",").each do |rv| rvs << HTTP::Params.parse(rv).to_h end end player_response = JSON.parse(video.info["player_response"]) rating = video.info["avg_rating"].to_f64 engagement = ((video.dislikes.to_f + video.likes.to_f)/video.views * 100) if video.likes > 0 || video.dislikes > 0 calculated_rating = (video.likes.to_f/(video.likes.to_f + video.dislikes.to_f) * 4 + 1) else calculated_rating = 0.0 end reddit_client = make_client(REDDIT_URL) headers = HTTP::Headers{"User-Agent" => "web:invidio.us:v0.1.0 (by /u/omarroth)"} begin reddit_comments, reddit_thread = get_reddit_comments(id, reddit_client, headers) reddit_html = template_comments(reddit_comments) reddit_html = add_alt_links(reddit_html) rescue ex reddit_thread = nil reddit_html = "" end video.description = fill_links(video.description, "https", "www.youtube.com") video.description = add_alt_links(video.description) thumbnail = player_response["videoDetails"]["thumbnail"]["thumbnails"][-1]["url"]? templated "watch" end get "/search" do |env| if env.params.query["q"]? query = env.params.query["q"] else env.redirect "/" next end page = env.params.query["page"]? && env.params.query["page"].to_i? ? env.params.query["page"].to_i : 1 client = get_client(youtube_pool) html = client.get("/results?q=#{URI.escape(query)}&page=#{page}&sp=EgIQAVAU").body html = XML.parse_html(html) youtube_pool << client videos = Array(Hash(String, String)).new html.xpath_nodes(%q(//ol[@class="item-section"]/li)).each do |item| root = item.xpath_node(%q(div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-video")]/div)) if root video = {} of String => String link = root.xpath_node(%q(div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-thumbnail")]/a/@href)) if link video["link"] = link.content else video["link"] = "#" end title = root.xpath_node(%q(div[@class="yt-lockup-content"]/h3/a)) if title video["title"] = title.content else video["title"] = "Something went wrong" end thumbnail = root.xpath_node(%q(div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-thumbnail")]/a/div/span/img/@src)) if thumbnail && !thumbnail.content.ends_with?(".gif") video["thumbnail"] = thumbnail.content else thumbnail = root.xpath_node(%q(div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-thumbnail")]/a/div/span/img/@data-thumb)) if thumbnail video["thumbnail"] = thumbnail.content else video["thumbnail"] = "https://dummyimage.com/246x138" end end author = root.xpath_node(%q(div[@class="yt-lockup-content"]/div/a)) if author video["author"] = author.content video["author_url"] = author["href"] else video["author"] = "" video["author_url"] = "" end videos << video end end templated "search" end get "/redirect" do |env| if env.params.query["q"]? env.redirect env.params.query["q"] else env.redirect "/" end end # Return dash manifest for the given video ID get "/api/manifest/dash/id/:id" do |env| env.response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") env.response.content_type = "application/dash+xml" id = env.params.url["id"] yt_client = get_client(youtube_pool) begin video = get_video(id, yt_client, PG_DB) rescue ex halt env, status_code: 403 ensure youtube_pool << yt_client end adaptive_fmts = [] of HTTP::Params if video.info.has_key?("adaptive_fmts") video.info["adaptive_fmts"].split(",") do |string| adaptive_fmts << HTTP::Params.parse(string) end else halt env, status_code: 403 end signature = false if adaptive_fmts[0]? && adaptive_fmts[0]["s"]? signature = true end if signature adaptive_fmts.each do |fmt| fmt["url"] += "&signature=" + decrypt_signature(fmt["s"]) end end video_streams = adaptive_fmts.compact_map { |s| s["type"].starts_with?("video/mp4") ? s : nil } audio_streams = adaptive_fmts.compact_map { |s| s["type"].starts_with?("audio/mp4") ? s : nil } audio_streams.sort_by! { |s| s["bitrate"].to_i }.reverse! audio_streams.each do |fmt| fmt["bitrate"] = (fmt["bitrate"].to_f64/1000).to_i.to_s end manifest = XML.build(indent: " ", encoding: "UTF-8") do |xml| xml.element("MPD", "xmlns:xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", xmlns: "urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011", profiles: "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:full:2011", mediaPresentationDuration: "PT#{video.info["length_seconds"]}S", minBufferTime: "PT2S", type: "static") do xml.element("Period") do xml.element("AdaptationSet", id: 0, mimeType: "audio/mp4", subsegmentAlignment: true) do xml.element("Role", schemeIdUri: "urn:mpeg:DASH:role:2011", value: "main") video_streams.each do |fmt| mimetype, codecs = fmt["type"].split(";") codecs = codecs[9..-2] fmt_type = mimetype.split("/")[0] bandwidth = fmt["bitrate"] itag = fmt["itag"] url = URI.unescape(fmt["url"]) xml.element("Representation", id: fmt["itag"], codecs: codecs, bandwidth: bandwidth) do xml.element("BaseURL") { xml.cdata url } xml.element("SegmentBase", indexRange: fmt["init"]) do xml.element("Initialization", range: fmt["index"]) end end end end xml.element("AdaptationSet", id: 1, mimeType: "video/mp4", subsegmentAlignment: true) do xml.element("Role", schemeIdUri: "urn:mpeg:DASH:role:2011", value: "main") video_streams.each do |fmt| mimetype, codecs = fmt["type"].split(";") codecs = codecs[9..-2] fmt_type = mimetype.split("/")[0] bandwidth = fmt["bitrate"] itag = fmt["itag"] url = URI.unescape(fmt["url"]) height, width = fmt["size"].split("x") xml.element("Representation", id: itag, codecs: codecs, width: width, height: height, bandwidth: bandwidth, frameRate: fmt["fps"]) do xml.element("BaseURL") { xml.cdata url } xml.element("SegmentBase", indexRange: fmt["init"]) do xml.element("Initialization", range: fmt["index"]) end end end end end end end manifest = manifest.gsub(%(), %()) manifest = manifest.gsub(%(), %()) manifest end error 404 do |env| error_message = "404 Page not found" templated "error" end error 500 do |env| error_message = "500 Server error" templated "error" end # Add redirect if SSL is enabled and redirect is enabled if Kemal.config.ssl && redirect spawn do server = HTTP::Server.new("", 80) do |context| redirect_url = "https://#{context.request.host}#{context.request.path}" if context.request.query redirect_url += "?#{context.request.query}" end context.response.headers.add("Location", redirect_url) context.response.status_code = 301 end server.listen end before_all do |env| env.response.headers.add("Strict-Transport-Security", "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload") end end static_headers do |response, filepath, filestat| response.headers.add("Cache-Control", "max-age=86400") end public_folder "assets" Kemal.run