#!/usr/bin/env python3 import configparser import lib.uis.config_ui # only follow -c flag import lib.Validator import lib.sqlitedb import lib.System import lib.UserExceptions import sqlite3 if __name__ == "__main__": lib.uis.config_ui.argparser.description += " - Edit Tilde Users" ArgParser = lib.uis.config_ui.argparser ArgParser.add_argument('--user', type=str, help='Tilde users name to edit', required=True) Mutually = ArgParser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() Mutually.add_argument('-r', '--remove', default=False, action="store_true", help='Remove an approved/unapproved User from the system(and DB). Effectively purges him.', required=False) Mutually.add_argument("--verify", default=True, action="store_false", help="Turns off value checks", required=False) ArgParser.add_argument('--sshpubkey', type=str, default=None, help="Stores the new given SSH-Key in given user", required=False) ArgParser.add_argument('--name', type=str, default=None, help="Sets the stored name of the given user") ArgParser.add_argument('--username', type=str, default=None, help="Rename given User") ArgParser.add_argument('--email', type=str, default=None, help="Set new email address for given user") ArgParser.add_argument('--status', type=int, default=None, help="Set status of given user") args = ArgParser.parse_args() config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(args.config) try: db = config['DEFAULT']['applications_db'] if not args.sshpubkey and not args.name and not args.username and not args.email and args.status is None \ and not args.remove: print(f"Well, SOMETHING must be done with {args.user} ;-)") exit(1) # --> --user if not lib.Validator.checkUserInDB(args.user, db): print(f"User {args.user} does not exist in the database.") exit(1) DB = lib.sqlitedb.SQLiteDB(db) sys_ctl = lib.System.System(args.user) if not DB: print("Could not establish connection to database") exit(1) CurrentUser = DB.safequery("SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `username`=?", tuple([args.user]))[0] # --> --remove if args.remove: print(f"Removing {args.user} from the system and the database...") try: DB.removeApplicantFromDBperUsername(args.user) print(f"Purged from the DB") if CurrentUser["status"] == 1: sys_ctl.remove_user() print(f"Purged from the system") else: print(f"'{args.user}' was not approved before, therefore not deleting from system itself.") except lib.UserExceptions.General as e: print(f"{e}") exit(1) print(f"Successfully removed '{args.user}'.") exit(0) # --> --sshpubkey if args.sshpubkey: if not lib.Validator.checkSSHKey(args.sshpubkey): print(f"Pubkey '{args.sshpubkey}' isn't valid.") exit(1) try: DB.safequery("UPDATE `applications` SET `pubkey`=? WHERE `username`=?", tuple([args.sshpubkey, args.user])) CurrentUser = DB.safequery("SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `username` = ? ", tuple([args.user]))[0] if int(CurrentUser["status"]) == 1: sys_ctl.make_ssh_usable(args.sshpubkey) except sqlite3.Error as e: print(f"Something unexpected happened! {e}") exit(1) except lib.UserExceptions.ModifyFilesystem as e: print(f"One action failed during writing the ssh key back to the authorization file. {e}") print(f"'{args.user}'s SSH-Key updated successfully.") # --> --name if args.name: if not lib.Validator.checkName(args.name): print(f"'{args.name}' is not a valid Name.") exit(1) try: DB.safequery("UPDATE `applications` SET `name` =? WHERE `username` =?", tuple([args.name, args.user])) except sqlite3.Error as e: print(f"Could not write '{args.name}' to database: {e}") print(f"'{args.user}'s Name changed to '{args.name}'.") # --> --email if args.email: if not lib.Validator.checkEmail(args.email): print(f"'{args.email}' is not a valid Mail address!") exit(1) try: DB.safequery("UPDATE `applications` SET `email` =? WHERE `username` =?", tuple([args.email])) except sqlite3.Error as e: print(f"Could not write '{args.email}' to the database. {e}") print(f"'{args.user}' Mail changed to '{args.email}'.") # --> --status if args.status is not None: if args.status != 0 and args.status != 1: print("Only 0 and 1 are valid status, where 1 is activated and 0 is unapproved.") exit(0) # just takes first result out of the dict if args.status == int(CurrentUser["status"]): print(f"New and old status are the same.") if args.status == 0 and int(CurrentUser["status"]) == 1: try: DB.safequery("UPDATE `applications` SET `status` =? WHERE `id`=?", tuple([args.status, CurrentUser["id"]])) sys_ctl.remove_user() except sqlite3.Error as e: print(f"Could not update database entry for '{args.user}', did not touch the system") exit(1) except lib.UserExceptions.UnknownReturnCode as e: print(f"Could not remove '{args.user}' from the system, unknown return code: {e}. DB is modified.") exit(1) print(f"Successfully changed '{args.user}'s status to 0 and cleared from the system.") if args.status == 1 and int(CurrentUser["status"]) == 0: try: DB.safequery("UPDATE `applications` SET `status`=? WHERE `username`=?", tuple([args.status, args.user])) sys_ctl.aio_register(CurrentUser["pubkey"]) except sqlite3.Error as e: print(f"Could not update Users status in database") exit(1) except lib.UserExceptions.General as ChangeUser: print(f"Some chain in the cattle just slipped away, my lord! {ChangeUser}") exit(1) print(f"Successfully changed '{args.user}'s status to 1 and created on the system.") exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: pass