#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re, configparser, logging, sqlite3, argparse from os import getcwd from os import environ from os import path as ospath import re, configparser, logging, sqlite3 try: cwd = environ.get('TILDE_CONF') if cwd is None: cwd=getcwd()+"/applicationsconfig.ini" else: if ospath.isfile(cwd) is False: cwd=getcwd()+"/applicationsconfig.ini" # cwd is now either cwd/applicationsconfig or $TILDE_CONF argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='interactive registration formular for tilde platforms') argparser.add_argument('-c', '--config', default=cwd, type=str, help='Config file', required=False) args = argparser.parse_args() CONF_FILE=args.config except: logging.exception("Argumentparser-Exception: ") try: config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(CONF_FILE) logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s: %(message)s", filename=config['DEFAULT']['log_file'],level=int(config['LOG_LEVEL']['log_level'])) del(cwd) REG_FILE=config['DEFAULT']['applications_db'] except: logging.exception("logging or configparser-Exception: ") VALID_SSH=False VALID_USER=False def __createTable(cursor, connection): try: cursor.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS applications(" \ "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"\ "username TEXT NOT NULL, email TEXT NOT NULL,"\ "name TEXT NOT NULL, pubkey TEXT NOT NULL,"\ "timestamp DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, status INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);") connection.commit() except: logging.exception("Couldn't create needed SQLite Table!") def addtotable(cursor, connection, username, name, email, pubkey): try: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO 'applications'(username, name, email, pubkey)VALUES("\ "?,?,?,?)", [username, name, email, pubkey]) connection.commit() except: logging.exception("Couldn't insert user into the db") # check if sqlite file does exists or already and has our structure def __checkSQLite(cursor, connection): #SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{table_name}'; cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='applications'") res=cursor.fetchall() if res== []: try: __createTable(cursor, connection) except: logging.exception("couldn't create table on given database. Exception: ") else: pass return True def check_username(value): global VALID_USER if len(value) < 3: VALID_USER=False return False try: from pwd import getpwnam getpwnam(value) VALID_USER=False except: VALID_USER=True return True return False # taken from https://github.com/hashbang/provisor/blob/master/provisor/utils.py, all belongs to them! ;) def validate_pubkey(value): global VALID_SSH import base64 if len(value) > 8192 or len(value) < 80: VALID_SSH=False return False value = value.replace("\"", "").replace("'", "").replace("\\\"", "") value = value.split(' ') types = [ 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521', 'ssh-rsa', 'ssh-dss', 'ssh-ed25519' ] if value[0] not in types: VALID_SSH=False return False try: base64.decodebytes(bytes(value[1], "utf-8")) except TypeError: VALID_SSH=False return False VALID_SSH=True return True def main(): print(" ▗▀▖ \n▗▖▖ ▐ ▌ ▌▛▀▖\n▘▝▗▖▜▀ ▌ ▌▌ ▌\n ▝▘▐ ▝▀▘▘ ▘") username = input("Welcome to the ~.fun user application form!\n\nWhat is your desired username? [a-z0-9] allowed:\n") while (not re.match("[a-z]+[a-z0-9]", username)) or (not check_username(username)): username = input("Invalid Username, maybe it exists already?\nValid characters are only a-z and 0-9.\nMake sure your username starts with a character and not a number." \ "\nWhat is your desired username? [a-z0-9] allowed:\n") fullname = input("\nPlease enter your full name:\n") while not re.match("\w+\s*\w*", username): fullname = input("\nThat is not your real name.\nPlease enter your full name:\n") email = input("\nPlease enter your email address:\n") while not re.match("(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$)", email): email = input("\nThat is not a valid mail address.\nPlease enter your email address:\n") pubkey = input("\nPlease paste your ssh public key:\n") while (not re.match("ssh-(\w)+\s(\w+)(\s*)([a-zA-Z0-9@]*)", pubkey)) or (not validate_pubkey(pubkey)): pubkey = input("\nPlease enter a valid public key. You can show it with ssh-keygen -f .ssh/id_rsa -y on your local machine.\nPlease enter your pubkey:\n") validate_pubkey(pubkey) print("\nUsername: {0!s}".format(username)) print("Full Name: {0!s}".format(fullname)) print("Email: {0!s}".format(email)) print("Public {0!s}".format(pubkey)) validation = input("\nIs this information correct? [y/N]") while not re.match("[yYnN\n]", validation): print("Please answer y for yes or n for no") validation = input("Is this information correct? [y/N]") if re.match("[yY]", validation): print("Thank you for your application! We'll get in touch shortly. 🐧") try: connection=sqlite3.connect(REG_FILE) cursor=connection.cursor() __checkSQLite(cursor, connection) addtotable(cursor, connection, username, fullname, email, pubkey) connection.commit() connection.close() except: logging.exception("Database {0!s} couldnt be accessed or created. Exception:".format(config['DEFAULT']['applications_db'])) connection.close() exit(1) pass return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass