@ -4,388 +4,395 @@ import configparser, logging, sqlite3, argparse, pwd
import os
import subprocess
# Clear shell
def clear ( ) :
os . system ( ' cls ' if os . name == ' nt ' else ' clear ' )
# create dictionary out of sqlite results
def dict_factory ( cursor , row ) :
d = { }
for idx , col in enumerate ( cursor . description ) :
d [ col [ 0 ] ] = row [ idx ]
return d
# prints command(but doesnt execute them)
# need this for work, just convenience
def debugExec ( commands ) :
print ( " Commands: {!s} -> Returns 0 " . format ( commands ) )
return 0
print ( " Commands: {!s} -> Returns 0 " . format ( commands ) )
return 0
# @TODO hardcoded config?
cwd = os . environ . get ( ' TILDE_CONF ' )
if cwd is None :
cwd = os . getcwd ( ) + " /applicationsconfig.ini "
cwd = os . getcwd ( ) + " /applicationsconfig.ini "
else :
if os . path . isfile ( cwd ) is False :
cwd = os . getcwd ( ) + " /applicationsconfig.ini "
if os . path . isfile ( cwd ) is False :
cwd = os . getcwd ( ) + " /applicationsconfig.ini "
# cwd is now either cwd/applicationsconfig or $TILDE_CONF
argparser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' interactive registration formular for tilde platforms ' )
argparser . add_argument ( ' -c ' , ' --config ' , default = cwd ,
type = str , help = ' Path to configuration file ' , required = False )
argparser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' interactive registration formular for tilde platforms ' )
argparser . add_argument ( ' -c ' , ' --config ' , default = cwd ,
type = str , help = ' Path to configuration file ' , required = False )
args = argparser . parse_args ( )
CONF_FILE = args . config
config = configparser . ConfigParser ( )
config . read ( CONF_FILE )
logging . basicConfig ( format = " %(asctime)s : %(message)s " ,
level = int ( config [ ' LOG_LEVEL ' ] [ ' log_level ' ] )
del ( cwd )
level = int ( config [ ' LOG_LEVEL ' ] [ ' log_level ' ] )
del cwd
REG_FILE = config [ ' DEFAULT ' ] [ ' applications_db ' ]
# Does everything related to applicants, i.e. creating, manipulations...
class applicants ( ) :
# User identifier
identifier = " username "
# SQLite DB Path
sourceDB = " "
# another sqlite to batch-recreate users
differentDB = " "
def __init__ ( self , lident , sourceDB = REG_FILE ) :
self . identifier = lident
self . sourceDB = sourceDB
self . __connectToDB__ ( " source " )
# all results shall be done with dict_factory! Makes everything so much simpler
self . sdbCursor . row_factory = dict_factory
def __del__ ( self ) :
self . __closeDB__ ( " source " )
def __connectToDB__ ( self , which ) :
if which == " source " :
try :
self . sdbConnection = sqlite3 . connect ( self . sourceDB )
self . sdbCursor = self . sdbConnection . cursor ( )
except sqlite3 . Error as e :
logging . exception ( " Database: Couldn ' t open database and get cursor: %s " % e )
else :
self . ddbConnection = sqlite3 . connect ( self . differentDB )
self . ddbCursor = self . ddbConnection . cursor ( )
def __closeDB__ ( self , which ) :
if ( which == " source " ) :
try :
self . sdbConnection . close ( )
except sqlite3 . Error as e :
logging . exception ( " Couldn ' t close database! Error: %s " % e ) # @TODO: Dump full db with query or just the executed querys to file
else :
self . ddbConnection . close ( ) # @TODO: Evaluate getting rid of ddb(differentDB)?
# get List of all applications(not accepted yet)
def getApplicationsList ( self ) :
query = " SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `status` = ' 0 ' "
try :
self . sdbCursor . execute ( query )
rows = self . sdbCursor . fetchall ( )
except sqlite3 . Error as e :
logging . exception ( " Database Error: %s " % e )
rows = [ ]
return rows
def getApprovedApplicantsList ( self ) :
query = " SELECT * From `applications` WHERE `status` = ' 1 ' "
try :
self . sdbCursor . execute ( query )
rows = self . sdbCursor . fetchall ( )
except sqlite3 . Error as e :
logging . exception ( " Database Error: %s " % e )
rows = [ ]
return rows
# edit aproved users
def editApprovedApplicant ( self , term , updaterow ) :
try :
self . sdbCursor . execute (
" UPDATE `applications` SET ? WHERE id=? " ,
( str ( term ) , )
self . sdbConnection . commit ( )
except sqlite3 . Error as e :
logging . exception ( " Database Error: %s " % e )
# set user to aproved
def setApprovedApplication ( self , selectterm ) :
query = " SELECT `username` FROM `applications` WHERE `username` = ` {0!s} ` " . format ( selectterm )
# get applicants data
def getApplicantsData ( self , term ) :
# @TODO: Use shorthand if for the correct query, directly into sqlite
if self . identifier == " id " :
try :
self . sdbCursor . execute (
" SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE id = ? " ,
( str ( term ) , )
except sqlite3 . Error as e :
logging . exception ( " Database Error: %s " % e )
else :
self . sdbCursor . execute (
" SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE username = ? " ,
( str ( term ) , )
result = self . sdbCursor . fetchone ( )
return result
# @TODO: migrade just approved users to some new/another sqlitedb
def migrateApprovedData ( self , different_db ) :
# @TODO: delete migrated data
def deleteMigratedDataSet ( self , selectterm ) :
# Applicants whom doesnt got approved should get removed
def removeApplicant ( self , term ) :
if self . identifier == " id " :
try :
self . sdbCursor . execute (
" DELETE FROM `applications` WHERE id = ? " ,
( str ( term ) , )
self . sdbConnection . commit ( )
except sqlite3 . Error as e :
logging . exception ( " Database Error: %s " % e )
else :
self . sdbCursor . execute (
" DELETE FROM `applications` WHERE username = ? " ,
( str ( term ) , )
self . sdbConnection . commit ( )
#@TODO: Possibility to work without passing users manually
def selectedUser ( userid , username = False ) :
# Print out a list of aprovable users
def printApprovableUsers ( self , users ) :
i = 0
for user in users :
print ( " ID: {0!s} , Status: {0!s} , Name: {0!s} " . format ( i , user [ " status " ] , user [ " username " ] ) )
i + = 1
return i
# Get List of users
def userPrint ( self , fetched , userid ) :
print ( " ID: {0!s} " . format ( fetched [ int ( userid ) ] [ " id " ] ) )
print ( " Username: {0!s} " . format ( fetched [ int ( userid ) ] [ " username " ] ) )
print ( " Mail: {0!s} " . format ( fetched [ int ( userid ) ] [ " email " ] ) )
print ( " SSH: {0!s} " . format ( fetched [ int ( userid ) ] [ " pubkey " ] ) )
print ( " Registrated time: {0!s} " . format ( fetched [ int ( userid ) ] [ " timestamp " ] ) )
# Approve an applicant. Handles everything related, like create home dir, set flags blabla
def approveApplicant ( self , term ) :
user = self . getApplicantsData ( term )
ret = self . __execScript ( user )
if ret [ 0 ] != 0 : # @DEBUG: Change to == 0
print ( " Something went wrong in the user creation! Exiting without deleting users record in database! " )
print ( " Last executed commands: {0!s} \n return code: {1!s} " . format ( ret [ - 1 ] [ 1 ] , ret [ - 1 ] [ 0 ] ) )
exit ( 0 )
if self . identifier == " id " :
try :
self . sdbCursor . execute (
" UPDATE `applications` SET `status`=1 WHERE `id`=? " ,
( str ( term ) , )
self . sdbConnection . commit ( )
except sqlite3 . Error as e :
logging . exception ( " Database Error: %s " % e )
else :
self . sdbCursor . execute (
" UPDATE `applications` SET `status`=1 WHERE `username`=? "
( str ( term ) , )
self . sdbConnection . commit ( )
# Script execution, handles everything done with the shell/commands themselves
def __execScript ( self , user ) :
# @TODO: omfg just write some wrapper-class/lib... sucks hard!
username = user [ " username " ]
homeDir = " /home/ " + username + " / "
sshDir = homeDir + " .ssh/ "
executed = [ ]
executed . append ( [ " useradd " , " -m " , username ] )
rcode = subprocess . call ( executed [ 0 ] )
if rcode != 0 :
return [ rcode , executed , ]
executed . append ( [ " usermod " , " --lock " , username ] )
rcode = subprocess . call ( executed [ 1 ] ) #empty pw
if rcode != 0 :
return [ rcode , executed , ]
executed . append ( [ " usermod " , " -a " , " -G " , " tilde " , username ] )
rcode = subprocess . call ( executed [ 2 ] ) # add to usergroup
if rcode != 0 :
return [ rcode , executed , ]
executed . append ( [ " mkdir " , sshDir ] )
try :
# @TODO: use config variable(chmodPerms)
ret = os . mkdir ( sshDir , 0o777 ) #create sshdir
rcode = 0
except OSError as e :
logging . exception ( e . strerror )
rcode = e . errno # False, couldn't create.
return [ rcode , executed , ]
executed . append ( [ " write(sshkey) to " , sshDir + " authorized_keys " ] )
with open ( sshDir + " authorized_keys " , " w " ) as f :
f . write ( user [ " pubkey " ] )
if f . closed != True :
logging . exception ( " Could ' nt write to authorized_keys! " )
return [ rcode , executed , ]
executed . append ( [ " chmod " , " -Rv " , " 700 " , sshDir ] )
try :
os . chmod ( sshDir + " authorized_keys " , 0o700 ) # directory is already 700
rcode = 0
except OSError as e :
logging . exception ( e . strerror )
rcode = e . errno
return [ rcode , executed , ]
try :
executed . append ( [ " chown " , " -Rv " , username + " : " + username , sshDir ] )
os . chown ( sshDir , pwd . getpwnam ( username ) [ 2 ] , pwd . getpwnam ( username ) [ 3 ] ) #2=>uid, 3=>gid
executed . append ( [ " chown " , " -v " , username + " : " + username , sshDir + " authorized_keys " ] )
os . chown ( sshDir + " authorized_keys " , pwd . getpwnam ( username ) [ 2 ] , pwd . getpwnam ( username ) [ 3 ] )
rcode = 0
except OSError as e :
logging . exception ( e . strerror ) # @TODO: maybe append strerror to executed instead of printing it
rcode = e . errno
return [ rcode , executed , ]
return [ rcode , executed , ]
{ ' id ' : 7 , ' username ' : ' testuser47 ' , ' email ' : ' 47test@testmail.com ' , ' name ' :
' test Name ' , ' pubkey ' : ' ssh-rsa [...] ' , ' timestamp ' : ' 2018-08-22 13:31:16 ' , ' status ' : 0 }
# Does everything related to applicants, i.e. creating, manipulations...
class Applicants :
# User identifier
identifier = " username "
# SQLite DB Path
sourceDB = " "
# another sqlite to batch-recreate users
differentDB = " "
def __init__ ( self , lident , sourcedb = REG_FILE ) :
self . identifier = lident
self . sourceDB = sourcedb
self . __connectToDB__ ( " source " )
# all results shall be done with dict_factory! Makes everything so much simpler
self . sdbCursor . row_factory = dict_factory
def __del__ ( self ) :
self . __closeDB__ ( " source " )
def __connectToDB__ ( self , which ) :
if which == " source " :
try :
self . sdbConnection = sqlite3 . connect ( self . sourceDB )
self . sdbCursor = self . sdbConnection . cursor ( )
except sqlite3 . Error as e :
logging . exception ( " Database: Couldn ' t open database and get cursor: %s " % e )
else :
self . ddbConnection = sqlite3 . connect ( self . differentDB )
self . ddbCursor = self . ddbConnection . cursor ( )
def __closeDB__ ( self , which ) :
if which == " source " :
try :
self . sdbConnection . close ( )
except sqlite3 . Error as e :
logging . exception (
" Couldn ' t close database! Error: %s " % e )
# @TODO: Dump full db with query or just the executed querys to file
else :
self . ddbConnection . close ( ) # @TODO: Evaluate getting rid of ddb(differentDB)?
# get List of all applications(not accepted yet)
def getapplicationslist ( self ) :
query = " SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `status` = ' 0 ' "
try :
self . sdbCursor . execute ( query )
rows = self . sdbCursor . fetchall ( )
except sqlite3 . Error as e :
logging . exception ( " Database Error: %s " % e )
rows = [ ]
return rows
def getapprovedapplicantslist ( self ) :
query = " SELECT * From `applications` WHERE `status` = ' 1 ' "
try :
self . sdbCursor . execute ( query )
rows = self . sdbCursor . fetchall ( )
except sqlite3 . Error as e :
logging . exception ( " Database Error: %s " % e )
rows = [ ]
return rows
# edit aproved users
def editapprovedapplicants ( self , term ) :
try :
# the fuck did i try here?
self . sdbCursor . execute (
" UPDATE `applications` WHERE id=? " , ( str ( term ) , )
self . sdbConnection . commit ( )
except sqlite3 . Error as e :
logging . exception ( " Database Error: %s " % e )
# set user to aproved
def setapprovedapplication ( self , selectterm ) :
# query = "SELECT `username` FROM `applications` WHERE `username` = `{0!s}`".format(selectterm)
# get applicants data
def getapplicantsdata ( self , term ) :
# @TODO: Use shorthand if for the correct query, directly into sqlite
if self . identifier == " id " :
try :
self . sdbCursor . execute (
" SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE id = ? " ,
( str ( term ) , )
except sqlite3 . Error as e :
logging . exception ( " Database Error: %s " % e )
else :
self . sdbCursor . execute (
" SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE username = ? " ,
( str ( term ) , )
result = self . sdbCursor . fetchone ( )
return result
# @TODO: migrade just approved users to some new/another sqlitedb
def migrateapproveddata ( self , different_db ) :
# @TODO: delete migrated data
def deletemigrateddata ( self , selectterm ) :
# Applicants whom doesnt got approved should get removed
def removeapplicant ( self , term ) :
if self . identifier == " id " :
try :
self . sdbCursor . execute (
" DELETE FROM `applications` WHERE id = ? " ,
( str ( term ) , )
self . sdbConnection . commit ( )
except sqlite3 . Error as e :
logging . exception ( " Database Error: %s " % e )
else :
self . sdbCursor . execute (
' DELETE FROM `applications` WHERE username = ? ' ,
( str ( term ) , )
self . sdbConnection . commit ( )
# @TODO: Possibility to work without passing users manually
def selecteduser ( userid , username = False ) :
# Print out a list of aprovable users
def printapprovableusers ( self , users ) :
i = 0
for user in users :
print ( " ID: {0!s} , Status: {0!s} , Name: {0!s} " . format ( i , user [ " status " ] , user [ " username " ] ) )
i + = 1
return i
# Get List of users
def userprint ( fetched , userid ) :
print ( " ID: {0!s} " . format ( fetched [ int ( userid ) ] [ " id " ] ) )
print ( " Username: {0!s} " . format ( fetched [ int ( userid ) ] [ " username " ] ) )
print ( " Mail: {0!s} " . format ( fetched [ int ( userid ) ] [ " email " ] ) )
print ( " SSH: {0!s} " . format ( fetched [ int ( userid ) ] [ " pubkey " ] ) )
print ( " Registrated time: {0!s} " . format ( fetched [ int ( userid ) ] [ " timestamp " ] ) )
# Approve an applicant. Handles everything related, like create home dir, set flags blabla
def approveapplicant ( self , term ) :
user = self . getapplicantsdata ( term )
ret = self . __execScript ( user )
if ret [ 0 ] != 0 : # @DEBUG: Change to == 0
print ( " Something went wrong in the user creation! Exiting without deleting users record in database! " )
print ( " Last executed commands: {0!s} \n return code: {1!s} " . format ( ret [ - 1 ] [ 1 ] , ret [ - 1 ] [ 0 ] ) )
exit ( 0 )
if self . identifier == " id " :
try :
self . sdbCursor . execute (
" UPDATE `applications` SET `status`=1 WHERE `id`=? " ,
( str ( term ) , )
self . sdbConnection . commit ( )
except sqlite3 . Error as e :
logging . exception ( " Database Error: %s " % e )
else :
self . sdbCursor . execute (
" UPDATE `applications` SET `status`=1 WHERE `username`=? " ,
( str ( term ) , )
self . sdbConnection . commit ( )
# Script execution, handles everything done with the shell/commands themselves
def __execScript ( user ) :
# @TODO: omfg just write some wrapper-class/lib... sucks hard!
username = user [ " username " ]
home_dir = " /home/ " + username + " / "
ssh_dir = home_dir + " .ssh/ "
executed = [ ]
executed . append ( [ " useradd " , " -m " , username ] )
returncode = subprocess . call ( executed [ 0 ] )
if returncode != 0 :
return [ returncode , executed , ]
executed . append ( [ " usermod " , " --lock " , username ] )
returncode = subprocess . call ( executed [ 1 ] ) # empty pw
if returncode != 0 :
return [ returncode , executed , ]
executed . append ( [ " usermod " , " -a " , " -G " , " tilde " , username ] )
returncode = subprocess . call ( executed [ 2 ] ) # add to usergroup
if returncode != 0 :
return [ returncode , executed , ]
executed . append ( [ " mkdir " , ssh_dir ] )
try :
# @TODO: use config variable(chmodPerms)
os . mkdir ( ssh_dir , 0o777 ) # create sshdir
returncode = 0
except OSError as e :
logging . exception ( e . strerror )
returncode = e . errno # False, couldn't create.
return [ returncode , executed , ]
executed . append ( [ " write(sshkey) to " , ssh_dir + " authorized_keys " ] )
with open ( ssh_dir + " authorized_keys " , " w " ) as f :
f . write ( user [ " pubkey " ] )
if not f . closed :
logging . exception ( " Could ' nt write to authorized_keys! " )
return [ returncode , executed , ]
executed . append ( [ " chmod " , " -Rv " , " 700 " , ssh_dir ] )
try :
os . chmod ( ssh_dir + " authorized_keys " , 0o700 ) # directory is already 700
returncode = 0
except OSError as e :
logging . exception ( e . strerror )
returncode = e . errno
return [ returncode , executed , ]
try :
executed . append ( [ " chown " , " -Rv " , username + " : " + username , ssh_dir ] )
os . chown ( ssh_dir , pwd . getpwnam ( username ) [ 2 ] , pwd . getpwnam ( username ) [ 3 ] ) # 2=>uid, 3=>gid
executed . append ( [ " chown " , " -v " , username + " : " + username , ssh_dir + " authorized_keys " ] )
os . chown ( ssh_dir + " authorized_keys " , pwd . getpwnam ( username ) [ 2 ] , pwd . getpwnam ( username ) [ 3 ] )
returncode = 0
except OSError as e :
logging . exception ( e . strerror ) # @TODO: maybe append strerror to executed instead of printing it
returncode = e . errno
return [ returncode , executed , ]
return [ returncode , executed , ]
# {'id': 7, 'username': 'testuser47', 'email': '47test@testmail.com', 'name':
# 'test Name', 'pubkey': 'ssh-rsa [...]', 'timestamp': '2018-08-22 13:31:16', 'status': 0}
def main ( ) :
# how many times the Seperator/Delimiter?
delcount = 40
# The seperator for the menu
Seperator = " = " * delcount
Menu = Seperator + " \n \t \t Main-Menu: \n \n " \
" \t 1) list and edit pending users \n " \
" \t 2) list applicants \n " \
" \t 3) edit applicant \n " \
" \t 4) quit \n " + Seperator + " \n "
# Identify by ID
applications = applicants ( lident = " id " )
while 1 != 0 :
print ( Menu )
command = input ( " Please select, what you want to do: \n -> " )
# User shouldnt be able to type something in that isnt a number
if command . isalpha ( ) or command == ' ' :
clear ( )
print ( " !!! invalid input, please try again. !!! " )
# convert
command = int ( command )
if command == 4 or command == " q " :
exit ( 0 )
# Edit and list pending users/applicants @TODO Wording: Users or applicants?
elif command == 1 :
users = applications . getApplicationsList ( )
i = applications . printApprovableUsers ( users )
if i == 0 :
print ( " No pending users " )
# giving some time to aknowledge that something WRONG happened
input ( " Continue with Keypress... " )
clear ( )
usersel = 0
UserMax = i
print ( " Menu: \n r=>return to main " )
# Edit Menue
while 1 != 0 or usersel != " r " :
i = applications . printApprovableUsers ( users )
if usersel == " r " :
break # break when user presses r
usersel = input ( " Which user( ID ) do you want to change? -> " )
if len ( usersel ) > 1 or usersel . isalpha ( ) :
usersel = " "
# convert to int if input isnt an r
usersel = int ( usersel ) if usersel != ' ' and usersel != ' r ' else 0
if usersel > UserMax - 1 :
print ( " User {0!s} doesn ' t exist! " . format ( usersel ) )
# Show the user his chosen user and ask what to do
applications . userPrint ( users , usersel )
print ( " You chosed ID No. {0!s} , what do you like to do? " . format ( usersel ) )
chosenUser = usersel
usersel = " "
# Finally down the edit menue!
while usersel != " e " :
usersel = input ( " User: {0!s} \n \t \t (A)ctivate \n \t \t (R)emove \n \t \t R(e)turn \n -> " . format ( chosenUser ) )
if usersel == " A " :
applications . approveApplicant ( users [ chosenUser ] [ ' id ' ] )
print ( " User {0!s} has been successfully approved! " . format ( users [ chosenUser ] [ ' username ' ] ) )
input ( " waiting for input... " )
clear ( )
usersel = " e " # remove for being able to continue editing?
elif usersel == " R " :
applications . removeApplicant ( users [ chosenUser ] [ ' id ' ] )
print ( " User {0!s} successfully deleted! " . format ( user [ chosenUser ] [ ' username ' ] ) )
input ( " waiting for input... " )
clear ( )
elif usersel == " e " :
# how many times the Separator/Delimiter?
delcount = 40
# The separator for the menu
separator = " = " * delcount
menu = separator + " \n \t \t Main-Menu: \n \n " \
" \t 1) list and edit pending users \n " \
" \t 2) list applicants \n " \
" \t 3) edit applicant \n " \
" \t 4) quit \n " + separator + " \n "
# Identify by ID
applications = Applicants ( lident = " id " )
while 1 != 0 :
print ( menu )
command = input ( " Please select, what you want to do: \n -> " )
# User shouldn't be able to type something in that isnt a number
if command . isalpha ( ) or command == ' ' :
clear ( )
print ( " !!! invalid input, please try again. !!! " )
elif int ( command ) == 2 :
users = applications . getApprovedApplicantsList ( )
# convert
command = int ( command )
if command == 4 or command == " q " :
exit ( 0 )
# Edit and list pending users/applicants @TODO Wording: Users or applicants?
elif command == 1 :
users = applications . getapplicationslist ( )
i = applications . printapprovableusers ( users )
if i == 0 :
print ( " No pending users " )
# giving some time to acknowledge that something WRONG happened
input ( " Continue with Keypress... " )
clear ( )
user_selection = 0
user_max = i
print ( " Menu: \n r=>return to main " )
# Edit Menu
while 1 != 0 or user_selection != " r " :
i = applications . printapprovableusers ( users )
if user_selection == " r " :
break # break when user presses r
user_selection = input ( " Which user( ID ) do you want to change? -> " )
if len ( user_selection ) > 1 or user_selection . isalpha ( ) :
user_selection = " "
# convert to int if input isnt an r
user_selection = int ( user_selection ) if user_selection != ' ' and user_selection != ' r ' else 0
if user_selection > user_max - 1 :
print ( " User {0!s} doesn ' t exist! " . format ( user_selection ) )
# Show the user his chosen user and ask what to do
applications . userprint ( users , user_selection )
print ( " You chosed ID No. {0!s} , what do you like to do? " . format ( user_selection ) )
chosen_user = user_selection
user_selection = " "
# Finally down the edit menu!
while user_selection != " e " :
user_selection = input (
" User: {0!s} \n \t \t (A)ctivate \n \t \t (R)emove \n \t \t R(e)turn \n -> " . format ( chosen_user ) )
if user_selection == " A " :
applications . approveapplicant ( users [ chosen_user ] [ ' id ' ] )
print ( " User {0!s} has been successfully approved! " . format ( users [ chosen_user ] [ ' username ' ] ) )
input ( " waiting for input... " )
clear ( )
user_selection = " e " # remove for being able to continue editing?
elif user_selection == " R " :
applications . removeapplicant ( users [ chosen_user ] [ ' id ' ] )
print ( " User {0!s} successfully deleted! " . format ( user [ chosen_user ] [ ' username ' ] ) )
input ( " waiting for input... " )
clear ( )
elif user_selection == " e " :
clear ( )
elif int ( command ) == 2 :
users = applications . getapprovedapplicantslist ( )
if not users :
print ( " no activate users yet! " )
i = 0
for user in users :
print ( " ID: {0!s} , Status: {1!s} , Name: {2!s} " . format ( user [ " id " ] , user [ " status " ] , user [ " username " ] ) )
elif command == str ( 3 ) :
else :
exit ( 0 )
if users == [ ] :
print ( " no activate users yet! " )
i = 0
for user in users :
print ( " ID: {0!s} , Status: {1!s} , Name: {2!s} " . format ( user [ " id " ] , user [ " status " ] , user [ " username " ] ) )
elif command == str ( 3 ) :
else :
exit ( 0 )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
try :
main ( )
exit ( 0 )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
#print("Exception occured. View log file for details.")
#logging.exception("Some exception occured")
try :
main ( )
exit ( 0 )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
# print("Exception occured. View log file for details.")
# logging.exception("Some exception occured")