It does not serve any function anymore after support for module
reloading has been removed from the postinst script in 0.0.20200215-2 on
2020-02-24. A module update is properly signaled via
/run/reboot-required so that the admin can (automatically) schedule a
reboot when convenient. This will also be more in line with future Debian
releases because starting with Debian bullseye, the kernel ships the
module. (contribution by @ypid)
- Add `ansible_managed` header to WireGuard configuration file (`wg0.conf` by default). This will most probably change the WireGuard configuration file but only the formatting. But since the Ansible registers this file as changed Ansible will sync/restart WireGuard service. For newer WireGuard versions (since Nov. 2019) this isn't a problem normally as `wg syncconf` command is used (also see `handlers/main.yml`). (contribution by @ypid)
- Behind the scenes coding style improvements and cleanup without user impact. (contribution by @ypid)
- Basic MacOS X support (contribution by @rubendibattista)