@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ def get_about_info(ucid, locale) : AboutChannel
total_views = channel_about_meta["viewCountText"]?.try &.["simpleText"]?.try &.as_s.gsub(/\D/, "").to_i64? || 0_i64
# The joined text is split to several sub strings. The reduce joins those strings before parsing the date.
joined = channel_about_meta["joinedDateText"]?.try &.["runs"]?.try &.as_a.reduce("") { |acc, node| acc + node["text"].as_s }
joined = channel_about_meta["joinedDateText"]?.try &.["runs"]?.try &.as_a.reduce("") { |acc, nd| acc + nd["text"].as_s }
.try { |text| Time.parse(text, "Joined %b %-d, %Y", Time::Location.local) } || Time.unix(0)
# Normal Auto-generated channels
@ -136,7 +136,8 @@ def fetch_related_channels(about_channel : AboutChannel) : Array(AboutRelatedCha
channels = YoutubeAPI.browse(browse_id: about_channel.ucid, params: "EghjaGFubmVscw%3D%3D")
tabs = channels.dig?("contents", "twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer", "tabs").try(&.as_a?) || [] of JSON::Any
tab = tabs.find { |tab| tab.dig?("tabRenderer", "title").try(&.as_s?) == "Channels" }
tab = tabs.find(&.dig?("tabRenderer", "title").try(&.as_s?).try(&.== "Channels"))
return [] of AboutRelatedChannel if tab.nil?
items = tab.dig?("tabRenderer", "content", "sectionListRenderer", "contents", 0, "itemSectionRenderer", "contents", 0, "gridRenderer", "items").try(&.as_a?) || [] of JSON::Any