channel_threads:Int32,# Number of threads to use for crawling videos from channels (for updating subscriptions)
feed_threads:Int32,# Number of threads to use for updating feeds
@ -123,6 +136,7 @@ struct Config
cache_annotations:{type:Bool,default:false},# Cache annotations requested from IA, will not cache empty annotations or annotations that only contain cards
banner:{type:String?,default:nil},# Optional banner to be displayed along top of page for announcements, etc.
hsts:{type:Bool?,default:true},# Enables 'Strict-Transport-Security'. Ensure that `domain` and all subdomains are served securely
<input name="local" id="local" type="checkbox" <% if preferences.local %>checked<% end %>>
<input name="local" id="local" type="checkbox" <% if preferences.local && !CONFIG.disabled?("local") %>checked<% end %> <% if CONFIG.disabled?("local") %>disabled<% end %>>
<div class="pure-control-group">
@ -56,8 +56,10 @@ function update_value(element) {
<label for="quality"><%= translate(locale, "Preferred video quality: ") %></label>
<select name="quality" id="quality">
<% {"dash", "hd720", "medium", "small"}.each do |option| %>
<% if !(option == "dash" && CONFIG.disabled?("dash")) %>
<option value="<%= option %>" <% if preferences.quality == option %> selected <% end %>><%= translate(locale, option) %></option>