@ -32,24 +32,49 @@ private module Parsers
private def self . parse ( item_contents , author_fallback )
video_id = item_contents [ " videoId " ] . as_s
title = item_contents[ " title " ] . try { | t | t [ " simpleText " ]? . try & . as_s || t [ " runs " ]? . try & . as_a . map ( & . [ " text " ] . as_s ) . join ( " " ) } || " "
title = extract_text( item_contents [ " title " ] ) || " "
# Extract author information
author_info = item_contents [ " ownerText " ]? . try & . [ " runs " ]? . try & . as_a? . try & . [ 0 ]?
author = author_info . try & . [ " text " ] . as_s || author_fallback . name || " "
author_id = author_info . try & . [ " navigationEndpoint " ]? . try & . [ " browseEndpoint " ] [ " browseId " ] . as_s || author_fallback . id || " "
published = item_contents [ " publishedTimeText " ]? . try & . [ " simpleText " ]? . try { | t | decode_date ( t . as_s ) } || Time . local
view_count = item_contents [ " viewCountText " ]? . try & . [ " simpleText " ]? . try & . as_s . gsub ( / \ D+ / , " " ) . to_i64? || 0 _i64
if author_info = item_contents . dig? ( " ownerText " , " runs " )
author_info = author_info [ 0 ]
author = author_info [ " text " ] . as_s
author_id = HelperExtractors . get_browse_endpoint ( author_info )
author = author_fallback . name || " "
author_id = author_fallback . id || " "
# For live videos (and possibly recently premiered videos) there is no published information.
# Instead, in its place is the amount of people currently watching. This behavior should be replicated
# on Invidious once all features of livestreams are supported. On an unrelated note, defaulting to the current
# time for publishing isn't a good idea.
published = item_contents [ " publishedTimeText " ]? . try & . [ " simpleText " ] . try { | t | decode_date ( t . as_s ) } || Time . local
# Typically views are stored under a "simpleText" in the "viewCountText". However, for
# livestreams and premiered it is stored under a "runs" array: [{"text":123}, {"text": "watching"}]
# When view count is disabled the "viewCountText" is not present on InnerTube data.
# TODO change default value to nil and typical encoding type to tuple storing type (watchers, views, etc)
# and count
view_count = item_contents . dig? ( " viewCountText " , " simpleText " ) . try & . as_s . gsub ( / \ D+ / , " " ) . to_i64? || 0 _i64
description_html = item_contents [ " descriptionSnippet " ]? . try { | t | parse_content ( t ) } || " "
length_seconds = item_contents [ " lengthText " ]? . try & . [ " simpleText " ]? . try & . as_s . try { | t | decode_length_seconds ( t ) } ||
item_contents [ " thumbnailOverlays " ]? . try & . as_a . find ( & . [ " thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer " ]? ) . try & . [ " thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer " ]?
. try & . [ " text " ]? . try & . [ " simpleText " ]? . try & . as_s . try { | t | decode_length_seconds ( t ) } || 0
# The length information *should* only always exist in "lengthText". However, the legacy Invidious code
# extracts from "thumbnailOverlays" when it doesn't. More testing is needed to see if this is
# actually needed
if length_container = item_contents [ " lengthText " ]?
length_seconds = decode_length_seconds ( length_container [ " simpleText " ] . as_s )
elsif length_container = item_contents [ " thumbnailOverlays " ]? . try & . as_a . find ( & . [ " thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer " ]? )
length_seconds = extract_text ( length_container [ " thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer " ] [ " text " ] ) . try { | t | decode_length_seconds ( t ) } || 0
length_seconds = 0
live_now = false
paid = false
premium = false
premiere_timestamp = item_contents [ " upcomingEventData " ]? . try & . [ " startTime " ]? . try { | t | Time . unix ( t . as_s . to_i64 ) }
premiere_timestamp = item_contents .dig? ( " upcomingEventData " , " startTime " ) . try { | t | Time . unix ( t . as_s . to_i64 ) }
item_contents [ " badges " ]? . try & . as_a . each do | badge |
b = badge [ " metadataBadgeRenderer " ]
@ -89,15 +114,17 @@ private module Parsers
private def self . parse ( item_contents , author_fallback )
author = item_contents[ " title " ] [ " simpleText " ]? . try & . as_s || author_fallback . name || " "
author = extract_text( item_contents[ " title " ] ) || author_fallback . name || " "
author_id = item_contents [ " channelId " ]? . try & . as_s || author_fallback . id || " "
author_thumbnail = item_contents [ " thumbnail " ] [ " thumbnails " ]? . try & . as_a [ 0 ]? . try & . [ " url " ]? . try & . as_s || " "
subscriber_count = item_contents [ " subscriberCountText " ]? . try & . [ " simpleText " ]? . try & . as_s . try { | s | short_text_to_number ( s . split ( " " ) [ 0 ] ) } || 0
author_thumbnail = HelperExtractors . get_thumbnails ( item_contents )
# When public subscriber count is disabled, the subscriberCountText isn't sent by InnerTube.
# TODO change default value to nil
subscriber_count = item_contents . dig? ( " subscriberCountText " ) . try & . [ " simpleText " ] . try { | s | short_text_to_number ( s . as_s . split ( " " ) [ 0 ] ) } || 0
auto_generated = false
auto_generated = true if ! item_contents [ " videoCountText " ]?
video_count = item_contents[ " videoCountText " ]? . try & . [ " runs " ] . as_a [ 0 ]? . try & . [ " text " ] . as_s . gsub ( / \ D / , " " ) . to_i || 0
auto_generated = ! item_contents [ " videoCountText " ]? ? true : false
video_count = HelperExtractors. get_video_count ( item_contents )
description_html = item_contents [ " descriptionSnippet " ]? . try { | t | parse_content ( t ) } || " "
SearchChannel . new ( {
@ -120,11 +147,11 @@ private module Parsers
private def self . parse ( item_contents , author_fallback )
title = item_contents[ " title " ] [ " runs " ] . as_a [ 0 ]? . try & . [ " text " ] . as_s || " "
title = extract_text( item_contents[ " title " ] ) || " "
plid = item_contents [ " playlistId " ]? . try & . as_s || " "
video_count = item_contents[ " videoCountText " ] [ " runs " ] . as_a [ 0 ]? . try & . [ " text " ] . as_s . gsub ( / \ D / , " " ) . to_i || 0
playlist_thumbnail = item_contents[ " thumbnail " ] [ " thumbnails " ] [ 0 ]? . try & . [ " url " ]? . try & . as_s || " "
video_count = HelperExtractors. get_video_count ( item_contents )
playlist_thumbnail = HelperExtractors. get_thumbnails ( item_contents )
SearchPlaylist . new ( {
title : title ,
@ -141,26 +168,26 @@ private module Parsers
module PlaylistRendererParser
def self . process ( item : JSON :: Any , author_fallback : AuthorFallback )
if item_contents = item [ " playlistRenderer " ]?
return self . parse ( item_contents , author_fallback )
return self . parse ( item_contents )
private def self . parse ( item_contents , author_fallback )
private def self . parse ( item_contents )
title = item_contents [ " title " ] [ " simpleText " ]? . try & . as_s || " "
plid = item_contents [ " playlistId " ]? . try & . as_s || " "
video_count = item_contents[ " videoCount " ]? . try & . as_s . to_i || 0
playlist_thumbnail = item_contents[ " thumbnails " ] . as_a [ 0 ]? . try & . [ " thumbnails " ]? . try & . as_a [ 0 ]? . try & . [ " url " ] . as_s || " "
video_count = HelperExtractors. get_video_count ( item_contents )
playlist_thumbnail = HelperExtractors. get_thumbnails_plural ( item_contents )
author_info = item_contents [" shortBylineText " ]? . try & . [ " runs " ]? . try & . as_a? . try & . [ 0 ]?
author = author_info .try & . [" text " ] . as_s || author_fallback . name || " "
author_id = author_info. try & . [ " navigationEndpoint " ]? . try & . [ " browseEndpoint " ] [ " browseId " ] . as_s || author_fallback . id || " "
author_info = item_contents .dig ( " shortBylineText " , " runs " , 0 )
author = author_info [" text " ] . as_s
author_id = HelperExtractors. get_browse_endpoint ( author_info )
videos = item_contents [ " videos " ]? . try & . as_a . map do | v |
v = v [ " childVideoRenderer " ]
v_title = v [" title " ] [ " simpleText " ]? . try & . as_s || " "
v_title = v .dig? ( " title " , " simpleText " ) . try & . as_s || " "
v_id = v [ " videoId " ]? . try & . as_s || " "
v_length_seconds = v [" lengthText " ]? . try & . [ " simpleText " ]? . try { | t | decode_length_seconds ( t . as_s ) } || 0
v_length_seconds = v .dig? ( " lengthText " , " simpleText " ) . try { | t | decode_length_seconds ( t . as_s ) } || 0
SearchPlaylistVideo . new ( {
title : v_title ,
id : v_id ,
@ -190,20 +217,8 @@ private module Parsers
private def self . parse ( item_contents , author_fallback )
# Title extraction is a bit complicated. There are two possible routes for it
# as well as times when the title attribute just isn't sent by YT.
title_container = item_contents [ " title " ]? || " "
if ! title_container . is_a? String
if title = title_container [ " simpleText " ]?
title = title . as_s
title = title_container [ " runs " ] [ 0 ] [ " text " ] . as_s
title = " "
url = item_contents [ " endpoint " ]? . try & . [ " commandMetadata " ] [ " webCommandMetadata " ] [ " url " ] . as_s
title = extract_text ( item_contents [ " title " ]? ) || " "
url = item_contents [ " endpoint " ]? . try & . dig ( " commandMetadata " , " webCommandMetadata " , " url " ) . as_s
# Sometimes a category can have badges.
badges = [ ] of Tuple ( String , String ) # (Badge style, label)
@ -249,7 +264,6 @@ end
# the internal Youtube API's JSON response. The result is then packaged into
# a structure we can more easily use via the parsers above. Their internals are
# identical to the item parsers.
private module Extractors
module YouTubeTabs
def self . process ( initial_data : Hash ( String , JSON :: Any ) )
@ -260,12 +274,10 @@ private module Extractors
private def self . extract ( target )
raw_items = [ ] of JSON :: Any
selected_tab = extract_selected_tab ( target [ " tabs " ] )
content = selected_tab [ " content " ]
content = extract_selected_tab ( target [ " tabs " ] ) [ " content " ]
content [ " sectionListRenderer " ] [ " contents " ] . as_a . each do | renderer_container |
renderer_container = renderer_container [ " itemSectionRenderer " ]
renderer_container_contents = renderer_container [ " contents " ] . as_a [ 0 ]
renderer_container_contents = renderer_container [ " itemSectionRenderer " ] [ " contents " ] . as_a [ 0 ]
# Category extraction
if items_container = renderer_container_contents [ " shelfRenderer " ]?
@ -294,16 +306,14 @@ private module Extractors
private def self . extract ( target )
raw_items = [ ] of Array ( JSON :: Any )
content = target [ " primaryContents " ]
renderer = content [ " sectionListRenderer " ] [ " contents " ] . as_a . each do | node |
target. dig ( " primaryContents " , " sectionListRenderer " , " contents " ) . as_a . each do | node |
if node = node [ " itemSectionRenderer " ]?
raw_items << node [ " contents " ] . as_a
raw_items = raw_items . flatten
return raw_items
return raw_items . flatten
@ -329,6 +339,72 @@ private module Extractors
# Helper methods to extract out certain stuff from InnerTube
private module HelperExtractors
# Retrieves the amount of videos present within the given InnerTube data.
# Returns a 0 when it's unable to do so
def self . get_video_count ( container : JSON :: Any ) : Int32
if box = container [ " videoCountText " ]?
return extract_text ( container [ " videoCountText " ]? ) . try & . gsub ( / \ D / , " " ) . to_i || 0
elsif box = container [ " videoCount " ]?
return box . as_s . to_i
return 0
# Retrieve lowest quality thumbnail from InnerTube data
# TODO allow configuration of image quality (-1 is highest)
# Raises when it's unable to parse from the given JSON data.
def self . get_thumbnails ( container : JSON :: Any ) : String
return container . dig ( " thumbnail " , " thumbnails " , 0 , " url " ) . as_s
# ditto
# YouTube sometimes sends the thumbnail as:
# {"thumbnails": [{"thumbnails": [{"url": "example.com"}, ...]}]}
def self . get_thumbnails_plural ( container : JSON :: Any ) : String
return container . dig ( " thumbnails " , 0 , " thumbnails " , 0 , " url " ) . as_s
# Retrieves the ID required for querying the InnerTube browse endpoint
# Raises when it's unable to do so
def self . get_browse_endpoint ( container )
return container . dig ( " navigationEndpoint " , " browseEndpoint " , " browseId " ) . as_s
# Extracts text from InnerTube response
# InnerTube can package text in three different formats
# "runs": [
# {"text": "something"},
# {"text": "cont"},
# ...
# ]
# "SimpleText": "something"
# Or sometimes just none at all as with the data returned from
# category continuations.
def extract_text ( item : JSON :: Any? ) : String ?
if item . nil?
return nil
if text_container = item [ " simpleText " ]?
return text_container . as_s
elsif text_container = item [ " runs " ]?
return text_container . as_a . map ( & . [ " text " ] . as_s ) . join ( " " )
# Parses an item from Youtube's JSON response into a more usable structure.
# The end result can either be a SearchVideo, SearchPlaylist or SearchChannel.
def extract_item ( item : JSON :: Any , author_fallback : String ? = nil ,