@ -151,13 +151,14 @@ Usage: invidious [arguments]
--ssl-cert-file FILE SSL certificate file
-h, --help Shows this help
-t THREADS, --crawl-threads=THREADS
Number of threads for crawling (default: 1)
Number of threads for crawling YouTube (default: 0)
-c THREADS, --channel-threads=THREADS
Number of threads for refreshing channels (default: 1)
-f THREADS, --feed-threads=THREADS
Number of threads for refreshing feeds (default: 1)
-v THREADS, --video-threads=THREADS
Number of threads for refreshing videos (default: 1)
Number of threads for refreshing videos (default: 0)
-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT Redirect output (default: STDOUT)
Or for development: