@ -325,11 +325,14 @@ module YoutubeAPI
# resolve_url(url )
# resolve_url(url , client_config? )
# Requests the youtubei/v1/navigation/resolve_url endpoint with the
# required headers and POST data in order to get a JSON reply.
# An optional ClientConfig parameter can be passed, too (see
# `struct ClientConfig` above for more details).
# Output:
# ```
@ -349,13 +352,13 @@ module YoutubeAPI
# channel_b = YoutubeAPI.resolve_url("https://youtube.com/c/invalid")
# ```
def resolve_url ( url : String )
def resolve_url ( url : String , client_config : ClientConfig | Nil = nil )
data = {
" context " = > self . make_context ( nil ) ,
" url " = > url ,
return self . _post_json ( " /youtubei/v1/navigation/resolve_url " , data )
return self . _post_json ( " /youtubei/v1/navigation/resolve_url " , data , client_config )